Monday, 19 November 2012

An article from Katie Moore - 'tips for expecting mothers'

I don't know Katie Moore any moore than you but when she wrote to me saying that she found my blog very interesting and enjoyed its content, I was slightly flattered like any normal human being.

It clearly showed that there were some people out there reading my blog posts on their own account.......not after being sent a link....or after being pestered by me!!!!! Well, she asked me if I could include one of her articles as a post on my blog....

Elementary is the conclusion then my dear to what my response to her was: 'I'll be very happy to accommodate your article in my blog Katie' here it is - a little different from my style of writing and more directly related to pregnancy but all that is not important....what matters is that she enjoyed reading my blog!!!!

Katie's article:

Tips for Expectant Mothers Preparing for Their New Babies

Expecting a baby is an exciting and overwhelming time for new mothers, so being prepared with some helpful tips to keep in mind along the way makes for a smooth transition into motherhood.

  • During pregnancy, the expectant mother's body goes through many changes as she hosts the growing baby. Maintaining good prenatal fitness, healthy eating for two and comfortable sleeping habits are important for a healthy pregnancy and recovery time post-childbirth. 

  • There are various birthing options available and a variety of birthing classes to guide mothers-to-be in breathing techniques, breastfeeding and caring for a newborn. There are also advanced procedures to consider, like cord blood banking, that enable mothers the opportunity to collect and preserve their baby's umbilical cord blood stem cells. The benefit of this procedure is that the cord blood may be used in to help treat a number of medical conditions, should one of them afflict the child or possibly a sibling. Expectant mothers should also select a pediatrician, before delivery, to serve as the baby's doctor post-childbirth. This way the mother ensures she is working with someone she is comfortable with.

  • Since mother and baby will spend a lot of time in the nursery, creating a space that's comfortable, functional and mom-friendly is essential. Mothers should invest in a glider or rocker for feeding the baby with a corresponding side table and lamp to provide easy access to baby essentials like burping clothes and bottles.

  • While babies do not become mobile until they are between six and nine months, baby proofing the house in advance, like outlet covers and baby gates, will ensure a pro-active approach to the child's safety.

  • When packing a hospital bag, expectant mothers should stick to basics like pajamas, undergarments, brush, hair tie, tooth brush and tooth paste. Mothers may also want to bring magazines, a book, or an iPod to help them relax, and a digital camera for after the baby arrives.

  • Expectant mothers will also want to pack a bag for the baby, and prepare the car. Babies will need receiving blankets, pajamas, pacifiers, hats, booties and disposable diapers. Having the car seat installed, plenty of gas in the car and a planned route to the hospital adds a sense of ease on delivery day.

  • When labor starts, most women are usually more comfortable in their home environments for as long as possible, so calling the physician to discuss the status of contractions is important in knowing when it's time to go to the hospital.

  • It is often not permitted to eat or drink until after the baby is born once in the hospital. Eating bread, cereals, yogurt, bananas or pasta prior to arriving will help the expectant mother store up energy for the work ahead.

  • Upon arrival, mothers must fill out insurance forms and check-in paperwork before being issued a hospital bracelet and taken to the labor and delivery room. Some hospitals allow mothers to pre-register which will allow her to go right into the hospital and begin focusing on delivery instead of paperwork.

After birth, the new mother's body begins to adjust back to its pre-pregnancy state and powerful emotions sink in. Getting plenty of rest and utilizing the hospital resources post-childbirth during this initial recovery phase will help the new mother prepare for the moment she and the new baby can finally go home.

This article was written by Katie Moore. Katie is an active writer within the blogging community who discusses maternity, motherhood, prenatal health, childbirth and other topics within this niche.  If you have any questions or would like to connect with Katie please contact by visiting her blog, Moore From Katie or her twitter @moorekm26.