Saturday, 18 June 2011

why the name 'bumpy and grumpy'?

For one, I actually feel 'bumpy' and 'grumpy' right now- these two currently hogging the limelight of the entire spectrum of feelings that I am capable of! Trust me...any pregnant women at any place/any time will agree with me..

Now I will give some academically driven reasons behind the etymology of the blogger's name:

Till the time I had no bump (baby bump), I had a bumpy ride through my early pregnancy...but now I have a bump to show so that makes me 'bumpy' with all rights to be 'grumpy'!!

Besides this very obvious and serious reason, let me enlighten you all with new  meanings that I discovered of the words 'bump' and 'bumpy'. In the sense of the electronic and internet world, to 'bump' means to reply to an internet thread to raise its value/ profile - to 'push up the post'. So, here I take the opportunity to thank in advance all the bumpers who shall be bumping my blog!!! (for a detailed meaning, read Wikipedia). 
Similarly, a baby bump does nothing much but 'pushes up' and grows (and sometimes wriggles and moves also)!!!!

'Bump' at many places is also defined as a verb meaning 'to knock to a new position' - that is exactly what pregnancy has done to me..Imagine me as one carefree (real sense of the word) woman going my way, minding my business, not causing any real trouble etc and suddenly knocked into this unknown territory of being pregnant!! Well its naive of me to actually have thought that getting there would take time - what it takes is: (i) just a decision with your partner to bring an end to your peaceful and carefree lives and; (ii) unprotected sex at the right time of the month.  So, here we are at this juncture  - me writing a blog about the situation and generally complaining about the world.....while he (as in the other culprit) waits for the harvest (as you sow, so shall you reap).

Some dictionaries also use the words hit/ strike/ collide/ collision for 'bump' - baby bumps are pregnant people's collisions with reality!!! they say 'wake up and smell the tea' and 'don't sleep as a million times you'll pee' (apologies for this - but the aforementioned event does take place more than a million times when you are pregnant and especially when you are the one giving a presentation in office - though the same event would have refused to happen when you were within the environs of a toilet right before the presentation)

The meaning that I could not swallow or digest is the one that describes a 'bump' as a 'slight swelling or lump' - now, how many pregnant women did they consult before finalising this definition is a pertinent question to be considered. To top that, what we pregnant women have is popularly known as the 'baby bump' (implying that it is even more slight or miniaturish - like a baby pig, baby duck, baby i-pod- whatever!!). Now this kind of ignorance is what plagues our contemporary I am shouting in writing on behalf of all pregnant women....' HELLO!!!A BABY BUMP IS NOT A SLIGHT SWELLING!!!

Lovely!! it feels nice to have expressed one's feelings so openly (though I am the only one reading this right now, I anticipate an electronic stampede on this sincere piece about the rights of baby bumps and their carriers).