Thursday, 22 September 2011

wonderful post by a fellow blogger and expecting mother

A must read for moms-to-be who want to go back to work after having the baby and will have to balance work and home with great effort...(and for their partners)!! Please click the link of the moms interviewed is my friend Tulika..

and a little laugh for my readers...another one from Randy Glasbergen:

Tring Tring!! 

1 comment:

  1. Tring Tring, certainly is in store for the future. But at present and in the past too, I have known couples using this phrase for an activity which often leads to a Pause of this Blog-type !

    Anyway while on our favorite blog, we all know now
    the PAUSE is OVER, now WHAT ? a Marathon RUN !

    Few hours after it was over the pausing lady called up to announce that my team has won !
    It is a Girl.I must admit, I had never talked to a NEWER mother than this (other than my wife)

    She sounded tired (naturally) but happy. She was pleased that she did not take a pain reducing drug even though the labor pain was long and intense. She thanked her doctor for encouraging her not to take the drug (epidural?).

    The New-father msged " it was an amazing feeling to put 'FATHER' in the relation column of the birth document of our daughter"

    Best Wishes to the new parents.

    I will wait for the new blog--"a mother's run-the starting phase", may be, just a thought. Again,some one had said " ekbaar bachcha ho jae,
    iye sab blog slog bhool jaegi ". Let us see what happens
