Saturday 27 August 2011

Pregnant and getting KICKED!!

At some point in your lives, you all must have heard/seen a dog yelping in pain because somebody just kicked it on the side...
Today, through this post, I send my heartfelt sympathies to all the dogs out there who have experienced this ordeal -  Dear doggies, I know exactly how it feels - the only difference being that I can't run away from the kicks as they are coming from inside me!!!

I can classify my baby's movements into kicks, punches, boxes, jabs, head banging, hiccups and somersaults - my 'million dollar baby' (pun intended) seems to be extremely inspired by a combination of two gentlemen, Mr. Bruce Lee and Mr.Rocky Balboa.

My general response to this powerful thrashing I receive everyday is 'Ouch,' 'OUCH', 'OUCH,' 'OUCH' depending on the intensity of the jabs. I say 'ouch' so many times that I hope my baby is not assuming that this is his/her name...or may be the father's name...that mommy keeps yelling all the time!!
this is not me - but some mommy getting kicked real hard by her baby!
When I felt the baby move for the first time, it was ................. ( I am at a loss of words!). 'Mind-blowing'; 'magical', 'amazing' and 'awesome' all put together also cannot reach even close to that feeling... For the first time I felt confident about being pregnant....reassured that my baby must be fine as it is moving around...:-)...It was also my baby's first communication with me!! I felt connected to the baby and realized that I was nurturing a small little life within me...Whoever coined the phrase 'alive and kicking' must have been pregnant at that time!!

Of course, the initial movements (that start in the 5th month) are generally compared to butterflies fluttering inside your tummy...then gradually these flutters transform into earthquakes!! But, a couple of pregnant women I met at the doc's clinic told me that their babies moved rather softly inside them...I told them that their babies had great potential of becoming graceful ballet dancers... (and mine had the potential of inventing a new dance form in which you'll just have to thump your feet hard, do some head banging, thrash your fists in the air...the works - A rock star definitely!!)

When parents ask their children to sing a song or recite a poem in front of somebody, children never do it...they start behaving as of they are being spoken to in a foreign language!! Actually these same children, will fry their parents ears at home singing, reciting, screaming etc but in front of some Aunty and Uncle...they HAVE to appear as the dumbest creatures on earth!! (I'm sure most of you are familiar with this). My child has already learnt this trick!! Some of my friends and my husband have been seeing me squirming and swearing (mostly 'ouch') at every kick of the baby...but when I place their hands on my tummy...this baby becomes a complete Mahatma...all tranquil and peaceful... Not a flutter from her/him...complete silence....Serenity personified!!!! It has been really difficult for me to gather evidence and witnesses regarding the intensity and frequency of my baby's kicks!! You'll have to take my word for it though some people don't believe me...

One night I was trying to sleep..tossing and turning on the bed as usual...not able to doze off because of  the high level of activity happening inside me..I finally fell asleep in one posture - by spooning my hubby (hugging him from behind)...In the middle of the night, I was woken up by my husband. He said that he woke up because I was patting his back continuously as if I needed something urgently. I told him that I would shake him vigorously by the shoulders, or pull his hair or scream his name if there was any emergency...why in the world would I pat his back?? Then I shouted out with glee, 'that must have been the baby kicking!' But, he refused to believe me!!  He said he must have been dreaming...just IMAGINE!!!! For a long time, I was fuming at the unfairness of the whole situation...because he immediately went back to sleep and I was wide awake like an owl...felt like giving a nice tight kick to my fast asleep hubby (Whoever coined the phrase 'sleeping like a baby' was not talking about babies inside the wombs)!! These illustrations depict exactly how I felt...I really wanted him to know how it feels when somebody is 'POW-WOWING' punches inside you...(and also because I wanted him to feel the same amazement and delight)
good baby!!

I wish I could go on such a rampage. Mark Parisi has a wonderful collection of preggie cartoons: click here
I told my baby the next day that this kind of behaviour won't be tolerated etc..and I think s/he recognized the 'strict-mommy-tone'... and also felt some performance pressure!! Now, when Papa places his hand on the tummy, the kicks don't stop...(I do hope that the strict-mommy-tone works afterwards too...I don't want to promise chocolates or toys against recital of a poem...but who may come to that!!)

Also, after having complained so much, I suddenly felt good that I am not an elephant- imagine an elephant's baby kicking inside her and their gestation period is TWO YEARS!!!

Or for that matter..coming back to dogs....I am sending extra sympathies to the bitches (I strictly mean female dogs here) out there...they have to bear kicks of an entire litter inside them...and each of their babies has four feet!!!! The photo you see here is of 'Button' and her litter of 18!! and just a year ago she had given birth to 16!! ALL HATS that I had/have/will ever have OFF TO BUTTON!!!!

now you know what I mean 'litter'ally (photo taken from this website)
Feeling much better...sometimes- comparisons (however useless, unlikely or out of the world) do help!!

I am waiting for the time when I can again assign the normal meaning to 'feeling kicked' about something or 'getting the kicks' from something!!! And  I am sure that the first kick I'll get will be on seeing my baby (that will be a pretty huge kick for my husband too).... right now the wait is getting harder and so are the kicks!!

And for people who doubt my baby's kicking abilities (like my hubby)...I know exactly what I'll do to make them believe - see below:

so now you know how 'kicks' feel


  1. Now that's what called a good writing. Loved every bit of it, in contrast to the previous one (sorry, but I'll be honest!)
    So one thing is clear, KT needs to be kicked really hard to get good job done....and now we know whom to call upon for that ;-)

  2. i am very glad to know that my nephew (i too think it is he) is more like his father...not a lazy bum like u..
    so post pregnancy you might get back to shape(by shape i mean like u were in class 12 or college) because u will have to run so much after him...
    i can guarantee that there will be no dearth of action packed films for him to get inspired...starting from kung-fu-hustle, shaolin soccer...etc

  3. thanks Tanu... last one was written in a great hurry!! Bangladesh se max page views hain after India- thanks to you!!thank god women don't have b___s, otherwise getting kicked in them would have been really OUCH!!!!!!!!

  4. I believe it is not about being hyperactive or lazy...
    it is more like being arrested without any cause... :D , baby is trying to figure out this situation with closed eyes.(thats the reason for kick boxing )
    i feel 'he' (as i have declared well before ) is like all genius/brilliant college dropouts ,who without a degree are most successful people in world. and i believe he will figure out this situation well before 9 months and will see this world sooner than you think..

  5. Brilliant writing is back ! Thanks. Very well written...
    I got the kick ...of pregnancy...again...
    after so many years.
    And I will like to warn Kalakar about the post-birth kicks...and we guys are not lucky...we carry the load of b..s

  6. Thanks Anonymous, Virus, Aura.......feeling nice and kicked about writing this one!!

  7. very good writing.

  8. good one - and yes, when I learnt about female elephant having a 2 years long gestation period, even i did a silent 'natmastak' to God for not making me one :)

  9. Haha, fun read! Is she still kicking away even now? I hope you were eventually able to prove to everyone that she was indeed kicking! :D
